Longmont, Colorado

I absolutely love woodturning. It can be a highly focused meditative process....although highly-frustrating occasionally comes to mind as well. I've been serious about woodturning since ~2012, primarily turning bowls, platters & vessels from my home in Colorado.
To me, the most important aspect of my work will always be form (refined curves, aesthetic proportion), but I also like to incorporate color and texture into many of my designs. I’m having a ball exploring texturing styles, patterns, and techniques....mostly involving carving and pyrography (pattern branding & scorching). All of this lends itself extremely well to one of my favorite artistic principles: "Repetition with Constant Variation".
I find inspiration everywhere. Geographical & geological elements, vegetation, weather....human-made objects such as pottery, carving, and architecture, as well as contemporary craft & art....all inspire the shapes & curves, the patterns & textures, and the colors seen in my work.